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The herpes simplex virus, also known as HSV, is a viral infection that causes genital and oral herpes. Many people live with asymptomatic HSV, which means they don't show any symptoms of the disease. HSV-1 is responsible for causing oral herpes, while HSV-2 is responsible for causing genital herpes. Learn more about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options available for those living with this viral infection. The herpes simplex virus also known as HSV is a viral infection that causes genital and oral herpes Many people live with asymptomatic HSV. HSV-1 is responsible for causing oral herpes and HSV-2 is responsible for causing genital herpes Learn more about the symptoms diagnosis and. Herpes simplex virus fact sheet with key facts and information on type 1 HSV-1 and type 2 HSV-2. Genital Herpes CDC Detailed Fact Sheet Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease STD. Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 HSV-1 and HSV-2 also known by their taxonomic names Human alphaherpesvirus 1 and Human alphaherpesvirus 2 are two..

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